CIC RS0102/4 Breakout - 2/4 Bit Bidirectional Voltage-Level Translator
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This 4-bit non-inverting translator is a bidirectional voltagelevel translator and can be used to establish digital switching compatibility between mixed-voltage systems. It uses two separate configurable power-supply rails, with the A ports supporting operating voltages from 1.65V to 5.5V while it tracks the VCCA supply, and the B ports supporting operating voltages from 2.3V to 5.5V while it tracks the VCCB supply. This allows the support of both lower and higher logic signal levels while providing bidirectional translation capabilities between any of the 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V and 5V voltage nodes.

- No Direction-Control
- Data Rates
- 24Mbps (Push-Pull)
- 2Mbps (Open-Drain)
- 1.65V to 5.5V on A ports and 2.3V to 5.5V on B Ports (VCCA≤VCCB)
- VCC Isolation: If Either VCC is at GND, Both Ports are in the High-Impedance State
- No Power-Supply Sequencing Required: Either VCCA or VCCB can be Ramped First
- IOFF: Supports Partial-Power-Down Mode
- Extended Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
- RS0102 - 2 Bit Bidirectional Voltage-Level Translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull Application
- RS0104 - 4 Bit Bidirectional Voltage-Level Translator for Open-Drain and Push-Pull Application
- Headers for All Available Pins, easy to use
- Dimension: 29 x 24 x 5 mm

Pin | Description | Note |
TOE | Output Enable (Active High). Pull OE low to place all outputs in | |
3-state mode. Referenced to VCCA . | Default Pull OE High | |
TA2 | Input/output A2. Reference to VCCA . | |
TA1 | Input/output A1. Reference to VCCA . | |
GND | Ground | |
TVCCA | A Port Supply Voltage.1.65V ≤ VCCA ≤ 5.5V and VCCA ≤ VCCB . | |
TOE | Output Enable (Active High). Pull OE low to place all outputs in | |
3-state mode. Referenced to VCCA . | Default Pull OE High | |
TB2 | Input/output B2. Reference to VCCB . | |
TB1 | Input/output B1. Reference to VCCB . | |
GND | Ground | |
TVCCB | B Ports Supply Voltage.2.3V ≤ VCCB ≤ 5.5V |

Pin | Description | Note |
BOE | Output Enable (Active High). Pull OE low to place all outputs in | |
3-state mode. Referenced to VCCA . | Default Pull OE High | |
BA4 | Input/output A4. Reference to VCCA . | |
BA3 | Input/output A3. Reference to VCCA . | |
BA2 | Input/output A2. Reference to VCCA . | |
BA1 | Input/output A1. Reference to VCCA . | |
GND | Ground | |
BVCCA | A Port Supply Voltage.1.65V ≤ VCCA ≤ 5.5V and VCCA ≤ VCCB . | |
BOE | Output Enable (Active High). Pull OE low to place all outputs in | |
3-state mode. Referenced to VCCA . | Default Pull OE High | |
BB2 | Input/output B4. Reference to VCCB . | |
BB1 | Input/output B3. Reference to VCCB . | |
BB2 | Input/output B2. Reference to VCCB . | |
BB1 | Input/output B1. Reference to VCCB . | |
GND | Ground | |
TVCCB | B Ports Supply Voltage.2.3V ≤ VCCB ≤ 5.5V |
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