ALB TB6612FNG Breakout - Driver IC for Dual DC motor
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TB6612FNG is a driver IC for DC motor with output transistor in LD MOS structure with low ON-resistor. Two input signals, IN1 and IN2, can choose one of four modes such as CW, CCW, short brake, and stop mode.

- Power supply voltage: VM=15V(Max.)
- Output current: Iout=1.2A(ave) / 3.2A (peak)
- Output low ON resistor: 0.5Ω (upper+lower Typ. @VM≧5V)
- Standby (Power save) system
- CW/CCW/short brake/stop function modes
- Built-in thermal shutdown circuit and low voltage detecting circuit
- TB6612FNG - Driver IC for Dual DC motor,VM=15V(Max.)
- Headers for All Avaible Pins, easy to use
- Output current: Iout=1.2A(ave) / 3.2A (peak)
- Standby (Power save) system, Pull-up with 10K Resistor
- Dimension: 25 x 25 x 5 mm

Pin | Description | Note |
VMOT | Power Suppy of Motor | |
GND | Ground | |
AO1 | Channel A output pin1 | |
AO2 | Channel A output pin2 | |
GND | Ground | |
GND | Ground | |
BO2 | Channel B output pin2 | |
BO1 | Channel B output pin1 | |
VCC | Power Suppy 3.3V | |
GND | Ground | |
PWMA | Channel A PWM input/200 kΩ pull-down at internal | |
AI2 | Channel A input 1/200 kΩ pull-down at internal | |
AI1 | Channel A input 1/200 kΩ pull-down at internal | |
BI2 | Channel B input 1/200 kΩ pull-down at internal | |
BI1 | Channel B input 1/200 kΩ pull-down at internal | |
PWMB | Channel B PWM input/200 kΩ pull-down at internal |
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