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CIC QMI8658 Breakout - Six-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer) IMU Sensor Breakout

CIC QMI8658 Breakout - Six-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer) IMU Sensor Breakout

Peter...About 3 minProductSensorMEMSAccelerometerIMU


The QMI8658C is a complete 6D MEMS inertial measurement unit (IMU) with 9-axis sensor fusion and specified system level orientation accuracy. When using the QMI8658C in combination with the supplied XKF3 9D-sensor fusion, the system features an accurate ±3° pitch and roll orientation, and a ±5°yaw/heading typical specification.

The QMI8658C incorporates a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer. It provides a UI interface (supporting I³C, I²C and 3-wire or 4-wire SPI) .



  • Low 15 mdps/√Hz gyroscope noise, low-latency, and wide bandwidth for performance applications
  • Low Noise 200µg/√Hz accelerometer
  • Host (slave) interface supports MIPI™ I³C, I²C, and 3-wire or 4-wire SPI
  • Complete inertial measurement unit (IMU) with sensor fusion library with specified orientation accuracy of ±3º pitch and roll, ±5º yaw/heading
  • High-performance XKF3TM 6/9-axis sensor fusion with in-run calibration for correction of gyroscope bias drift over-temperature and lifetime
  • 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer in a small 2.5 x 3.0 x 0.86 mm 14-pin LGA package
  • Large 1536-byte FIFO can be used to buffer sensor data to lower system power dissipation
  • Motion on demand technology for polling-based synchronization
  • Large sensor dynamic ranges from ±16°/s to ±2048°/s for gyroscope and ±2 g to ±16 g for accelerometer
  • Embedded temperature sensor
  • Wide extended operating temperature range (-40°C to 85°C)


  • QMI8658C - Low power & Low nosie 3 Axis Accelerometer & 3 Axis Gyroscope
  • Headers for I2C&SPI Interface, Default I2C interface
  • Headers for Interrupt, Address and so on.
  • Qwiic connector x 2, easy to debug & use
  • Dimension: 28 x 18 x 5 mm


VDDPower supply voltage: 1.7-3.6V
SCL/SCKI2C interface Clock bus or SPI interface Clock busHad external pull-up resistor 4K7
SDA/SDII2C interface Data bus or SPI Data inHad external pull-up resistor 4K7
CSBSPI Chip Select
INT1Interrupt digital output 1 (totem pole or open-drain) Active low
INT2Interrupt digital output 2 (totem pole or open-drain) Active low
SDXAux I2C interface Data bus
SCXAux I2C interface Clock bus

Default I2C interface 7 bit device address: 0x6B

User Guide

It is the best choice to develop embedded drivers with embedded rust. Because the driver can be used with MCU like ESP32, also used with ARM64 Linux Application, for example raspberry pi directly.

You can download the qmi8658 rust driver with git, also add your rust project with cargo - cargo add qmi8658.

The examples as below use the first one.


Simple Read QMI8658 Acc & Gypro Data

This example will simply read QMI8658 Accelerator & Gypro Sensor Data & Temperature

use linux_embedded_hal::I2cdev;
use qmi8658c::*;
use qmi8658c::Qmi8658;

fn main() {
    let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-3").unwrap();
    let mut ic = Qmi8658::new(dev, 0x6b);

    let cfg = Config {
        mode: Mode::DUAL,
        acc_range: Acc_Range::RANGE_16G,
        acc_odr: Acc_ODR::ACC_ODR_6DOF_1880,
        gyro_range: Gyro_Range::RANGE_2048DPS,
        gyro_odr: Gyro_ODR::GYRO_ODR_940,

    let ret = ic.start(&cfg).unwrap();
    // let ret = true;
    // ic.sw_reset().unwrap();
    let chip_id =;
    let chip_revision = ic.revision().unwrap();

    println!("chip id = {:#02x}, revision id = {:#02x}, start: {}", chip_id, chip_revision, ret);

    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL1).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl1 = {:#02x}", ret);
    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL2).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl2 = {:#02x}", ret);
    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL3).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl3 = {:#02x}", ret);
    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL5).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl5 = {:#02x}", ret);
    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL7).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl7 = {:#02x}", ret);
    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL8).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl8 = {:#02x}", ret);
    let ret = ic.read_register(Register::CTRL9).unwrap();
    println!("ctrl9 = {:#02x}", ret);

    loop {
        println!("Accl X: {:.02}, {}", ic.accl_x, ic.accl_x_raw);
        println!("Accl Y: {:.02}, {}", ic.accl_y, ic.accl_y_raw);
        println!("Accl Z: {:.02}, {}", ic.accl_z, ic.accl_z_raw);
        println!("Gyro X: {:.02}, {}", ic.gyro_x, ic.gyro_x_raw);
        println!("Gyro Y: {:.02}, {}", ic.gyro_y, ic.gyro_y_raw);
        println!("Gyro Z: {:.02}, {}", ic.gyro_z, ic.gyro_z_raw);
        println!("Temperature: {:.02}, {}", ic.temp, ic.temp_raw);

  • /dev/i2c-3 is a i2c controller of rpi.
  • The QMI8658's I2C Device address is 0x6B. So we use new function to create a instance. Qmi8658::new(i2c)
  • start function will set up & initailize chip
  • read_accl_data function will get the accelerator sensor data
  • read_temp_data function will get the gypro data
  • read_gyro_data function will get the temperature

Use the command as below to build and run the app.

cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu -- example simple
scp -r ./target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/example/simple rpi@

After login the RPI with SSH, we can execute the app directly.

sudo ./simple

The terminal will print the accelerator & gyro, temperature.

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